Sunday, 25 September 2011

Dressmaking Course

Last week I started a dressmaking course at my local college. I was really excited to see so many people there, lots were my age too. We spent the first lesson getting to grips with a sewing machine, which was a bit pointless for me as I know how to use one very well, but it was good for me to get to know the other people. This week she is going to show us how to cut our patterns properly and even though I can do this, I'm hoping to pick up lots of hints and tips and learn how to be even better!

I've been working lots lately and I'll be doing extra hours this week, so I'm really glad I signed up to this course because it will force me to sew every week. At the course I'm going to start by making a Macaron dress.
I've been having trouble deciding exactly how to make it. I've chosen some navy blue cotton winceyette fabric which is so soft and I thought it would make the dress cosy for winter. I planned to use this for the whole dress so there won't be a contrast, but I feel some red in there somewhere might really make it look great. Maybe as the waistband or as piping along the sweetheart part of the bodice. Then I was worried it might be too bright for me. Then I was thinking polka dots would make a nice contrast and I got all confused! So as it stands, it will be navy blue but it is subject to change, see how I get on. I'm still in the process of making a violet blouse and I'm hoping it will be finished soon. I'm up to attaching the collar. Bit worried about the button holes as I've never done those before so they will take a bit of practice I'm sure. Right, I'm off to pre-wash my winceyette now so it will be ready for Tuesday!

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